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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why I Hate Politics

 *...*- What I say

*We squabble amongst ourselves about stupid things like this even though you have to pay $2.50 for a gallon of gasoline, our friends are getting blown up by roadside bombs, and we are putting ourselves into a crap ton of debt with China...*

*This is what I speak of...*

*from the mind of a hardcore Republican*

"Democrat: noun;
someone who is completely brainless,
heartless, clueless and flat out mean and stupid; pointless to society
and worthless except for arguing with and/or disagreeing with.
this type of person tends to pack themselves into large, stubborn groups
that enjoy the killing of unborn children or of the elderly.
this in itself is the biggest issue america faces today.

their thinking is a lot like this..

take a 400lb man. he eats 3 big macs a day. of course, he'll treats himself to fries, vanilla milkshakes, mcflurries, various kinds of pop, and other riches of the fast food world as well. he's worked hard and long to be as fat as he is today. its been his life's work for a long time now.

and now we introduce to the picture a small anorexic/bulimic woman, who's in her what.. late 20's.. and she doesn't eat. ever. she's worked long and hard at not eating. and sometimes she'll eat a little, but any fat she gains, she throws up right away. leaving her with nothing but skin and bones. and even then she isn't happy.

now democrats are the ones that say, "we should hack 200 pounds off the large fat man and give it to 3 anorexic/bulimic women [such as the one we have described]" but guess what. the three anorexic/bulimic women are going to take one look at their new rolls of fat, all nicely sealed in quart sized zip lock baggies.. you know the ones you have to fit every kind of liquid you use daily into for plane travel, yeah those.. they take one look at their new fat rolls, wonder what in the world these are used for, walk over to the trash can and THROW THEM ROLLS AWAY. they've never had fat in their lives.. how come NOW you think they're going to have a clue what to do with them..? they never ate. they don't need the fat.

meanwhile, our now 200lb man is standing in mcdonalds wondering what the heck just happened and how many big macs he's going to have to eat to get his 200lbs back.."

*why the simple struggle between Republican and Democrat has to be the main focus of our government I have no idea.*
*Why are we debating about stupid things like this while we have friends and family being shot at. Think about it.*

1 comment:

  1. I actually heard this from one of my republican friends. I choose no side, I am independent. THIS is what politicians worry about in their press conferences.
    Every day, I worry more and more that our great country will end up like Rome and Greece: In ruins.
